Sarvak Kish H2S Safety Services:
H2S is one of the most dangerous compositions that could be encountered during drilling wells or refining of hydrocarbons. This gas is so perilous that at some minor concentrations could be fatal even at the first breath! Therefore, the risks associated with H2S shall always be meticulously considered and proper precaution measures shall be taken.
One category of several services provided by Sarvak Kish contains H2S Safety services that guarantee a safe environment to all employees who work on drilling rigs or in refinery facilities. Our services include provision of prevention and mitigation equipment as well as detectors, breathing air bank and training courses.
Sarvak Kish owns more than 1000 Breathing Apparatuses and other necessary equipment such as detectors, air compressors and cylinders which have helped us to bring safety to several drilling rigs and refinery facilities across the country.
In addition to proper equipment, competent crew are also important if you want to be confident that all risks are under control. Sarvak Kish has hired university graduates and engineers and trained them in such a way that has made them capable of bringing safety to the work environment immediately after any hazards are detected. Sarvak Kish is also committed to upgrade its employees' knowledge continuously through training courses.
Our records show that in past years there has been several incidents reported because of the emission of H2S (or other dangerous gases), that have all been successfully dealt with by Sarvak Kish team together with the HSE teams of our clients.
Sarvak Kish is a reputable and well-known Iranian provider of H2S safety services and during the past years has often worked with a workload close to its full capacity.
Based on the appraisals performed by its clients, Sarvak Kish has fortunately left "Excellent" records in provision of H2S services in most of its projects and has got excellent scores in pre-qualification or tender processes held by different Iranian Oil and Gas Companies.